Regulation on the level of the obligation to redeem certificates of origin in 2021

On the website of the Government Legislation Center today, i.e. on July 17 this year a draft …


Amendments to the act on renewable energy sources

July 16 this year The Sejm adopted an amendment to the act on renewable energy sources, which …


Consultation of the EU roadmap for offshore wind energy

The European Commission has published an action plan and launched a public consultation in preparation for an …


100 thousand applications in the “My Electricity” program

According to the information provided by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management – so …


Increase in domestic production of energy from renewable sources

According to the data published by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, there has been a significant increase in energy …


Increase in the average energy price in the second quarter of 2020

The Energy Regulatory Office informed about the average price of electricity from the implementation of sales contracts …


PSE – electricity production in June 2020

According to information provided by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), electricity production alone fell 11 percent in June, …


Amendment of the RES Act in the list of works of the Council of Ministers

The list of legislative works of the Council of Ministers published the assumptions of the bill amending …


Draft act on the offshore wind farms

The Ministry of Climate has forwarded to the next inter-ministerial arrangements a draft act on support for …


Climate Minister on the goals of transformation in Poland

“Central and Eastern European countries may soon become the driving force of green reconstruction. However, this means …


European Commission – innovations in the energy sector

The European Commission invites you to submit applications under the Innovation Fund to be one of the …


The Senate has set up an extraordinary committee on climate

July 2 this year the senate passed a resolution establishing an extraordinary climate committee. The committee with …