ERO: in mid-2020, almost 9.5 GW of RES installations

According to the data published by the Energy Regulatory Office, at the end of the first half …


Act on supporting thermal modernization adopted by the Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers adopted the draft act presented by the Minister of Climate on amending the …


Public consultations on the updated “Polish Nuclear Power Program”

On August 6, 2020, the Ministry of Climate sent for public consultation a draft resolution of the …


Ministry of the Environment: public list of foreign funded NGOs

According to the statement of the Ministry of Environment, the Minister of the Environment, Michał Woś, in …


MAP: public consultation on changes to the Code of Commercial Companies

The Corporate Supervision Reform Commission at the Ministry of State Assets has developed a draft amendment to …


Amendment of the regulation on the calculation of the energy intensity ratio

The Ministry of Climate has presented a draft amendment to the ordinance on the calculation of the …


Summary of TGE’s operations in July 2020

The electricity trading volume on TGE in July 2020 was 18,987,197 MWh, which means an increase of …


EC: consultation on the directions of changes in the key directives for Green Deal

The European Commission announced the launch of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy …


Draft amendment to the RES Act

Today, i.e. on August 4 this year. the website of the Government Legislation Center has published a …


Draft act amending the act – Code of Commercial Companies and some other acts

He appeared in the list of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers Draft act …


The Ministry of Development wants to continue subsidies for prosumers

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz announced that she would strive to continue the …


The last days to submit an application for co-financing the purchase of an electric car

According to the information provided by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management by the …