The Ministry of Climate will extend the subsidies of the My Electricity program to charging stations for electric cars

During the conference on the Pilot Maker Elektro ScaleUp program, Climate Minister Michał Kurtyka assured that he …


The European Commission has announced it is pushing for a higher target to reduce CO2 emissions by 2030

On September 16, the European Commission presented a plan to increase the target of reducing CO2 emissions …


The government established the Team for Energy Efficiency and Energy Transformation of Buildings

The Minister of Development appointed a Team for Energy Efficiency and Energy Transformation of Buildings, whose task …


Enrollment for individual cogeneration bonus (14-16 December)

On December 14, at 8.15, the enrollment for individual cogeneration bonus for the sale of electricity from …


The Ministry of Climate submitted to the Government Legislation Center draft regulations regarding cogeneration bonuses in 2021

The Government Legislation Center received draft regulations regarding the value of the guaranteed premium, the maximum value …


Letter of intent on the sector agreement for photovoltaics

On September 11, 2020, the management of the Ministry of Climate and representatives of the photovoltaic industry, …


The Ministry of Climate will prepare an amendment to the RES Act for energy clusters

The Ministry of Climate started to prepare an amendment to the RES Act for energy clusters, thanks …


Polish Power Grids – analysis of electricity imports to our country

In the analysis of electricity imports to our country, Polish Power Grids indicates that so far generation …


This year’s auctions for renewable energy sources – the ERO submitted the plan

At the European Economic Congress, during the panel devoted to photovoltaics held on Friday, Katarzyna Szwed-Lipińska, director …


The draft amendment to the transmission system was submitted for opinion and agreement

On Tuesday, the draft amendment to the so-called special transmission act. The amendment is intended to speed …


Update of the government’s energy strategy “Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040” (PEP2040)

The Ministry of Climate has published an updated summary of the energy strategy “Poland’s energy policy until …


MAP: plans to abandon the stock exchange obligation

On August 28 this year, on the website of the Ministry of State Assets, a statement was …