The Climate Department is working on financial editing for the new edition of the “My Electricity” program

The Minister of Climate and Environment, Michał Kurtyka, announced that in the next installment of the “My …


Reminding the ERO of the reporting obligations under the RES Act

The information obligations apply to entrepreneurs who won auctions for the sale of electricity from renewable energy …


Public consultations of the draft “Polish Hydrogen Strategy”

Today, on January 14 this year. The Ministry of Climate and Environment submitted for public consultation the …


The Senate passed the offshore law

Today, on January 13, 2021, the Senate passed the Act on the Promotion of Electricity Generation in …


The Supreme Chamber of Control: The long road to closed loop waste

The Supreme Chamber of Control examined how the Polish state deals with waste management. The activities of …


Audits of the Supreme Chamber of Control in 2021

In the “Supreme Chamber of Control work plan for 2021” there were 103 controls. While pandemic issues …


Adoption of the hydrogen strategy in Q1 2021

According to the List of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers, the government plans …


The Committee on Economy and Environment did not submit any amendments to the offshore act

The Senate committees for the National Economy and Innovation and the Environment did not propose any amendments …


Extension of the RES auction until the end of 2021

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Climate and Environment published today, i.e. on December 30, …


Updated regulations on balancing and settlement of prosumers and cooperatives

The website of the Government Legislation Center has published updated draft regulations of the Minister of Climate …


ACER has adopted five decisions supporting the integration of European transmission systems and electricity markets

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators has adopted five decisions that are very important …


The President of ERO has concluded the last RES auction

On December 3 this year. the eighth RES auction this year, marked as AZ / 8/2020, took …