A clear increase in the PPA contract market for energy from photovoltaics

The RE-Source association, promoting investments in renewable energy sources on the basis of commercial PPAs (Power Purchase ...


The Port of Gdynia will probably become an installation terminal for offshore wind farms

The government plans to pass a resolution recognizing the Port of Gdynia as an installation terminal for ...


The RES target for 2030 will be increased

The RE DII Directive contains provisions that are to lead to the achievement of the EU target ...


Stanowisko Stowarzyszenia ws. projektu rozporządzenia dotyczącego ceny referencyjnej

Stanowisko Stowarzyszenia Energii Odnawialnej dotyczące projektu rozporządzenia Ministra Klimatu i Środowiska w sprawie ceny referencyjnej energii elektrycznej ...


Electricity production from micro-installations has tripled

According to the latest report prepared by the Energy Regulatory Office, containing collective information on electricity generated ...


The Sejm adopted an amendment to the special transmission acts

On Wednesday, the Sejm passed an amendment to the so-called special transmission acts. It assumes, inter alia, ...


New information about the program “Mój Prąd”

As announced by the vice-president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Paweł Mirowski, ...


The Sejm adopted an amendment to the act on energy efficiency

At the Wednesday session of the Sejm, an amendment to the act on energy efficiency was adopted. ...


A team for the support of vulnerable customers and reduction of energy poverty in Poland was established

The main goals of the team for supporting a vulnerable recipient and reducing energy poverty in Poland, ...


The installed capacity of photovoltaics in the Polish power system exceeded 4 GW

The installed capacity of photovoltaics in the Polish power system exceeded 4 GW. As the electricity transmission ...


Obligations of entrepreneurs after the end of the support period for RES energy producers

Entrepreneurs who plan to continue their economic activity consisting in generating electricity in renewable energy installations, after ...


Draft amendment to the RES Act addressed to the Legal Committee

The draft act amending the act on renewable energy sources and certain other acts (RCL list no. ...