Moscow: additional talks with the parliament are necessary to change the 10h rule

As reported, during a press conference on September 15 this year Minister of Climate and Environment Anna …


EC: intervention in the electricity market

The European Commission has published a draft regulation, providing, inter alia, the maximum limit of the producers’ …


ERO recommends a balanced windfall tax and limiting the increase in energy prices

– The ERO recommends an intervention called windfall tax in combination with the introduction of ceiling price …


Zyska: The government will return to the direct power lines regulations

From the draft amendment to the Energy Law and the Act on Renewable Energy Sources (UC74), prepared …


Muller: We are considering introducing price incentives for lower energy consumption

According to the portal, the Government is considering introducing price incentives for lower electricity consumption compared …


The European Commission wants to introduce a maximum price for energy

According to the portal, the European Commission has prepared a package of regulations that are to …


The Commission is still analyzing the Polish regulations governing offshore construction

According to the portal, the former prime minister and president of the European Parliament and current …


The government is preparing facilities for wind micro-installations

The government will deal with changes to the Building Law, which will include simplify the process of …


Amendment to the Act on Sea Areas

The draft amendment to the Act on Sea Areas (RCL UD list number 361) was examined by …


The Americans passed the bill on climate protection

According to the portal, the US Senate passed a bill worth 430 billion dollars, regulating mass …


Krzysztof Tchórzewski will become the deputy head of the Ministry of State Assets responsible for energy from September

According to the website, Krzysztof Tchórzewski will become the deputy head of the Ministry of State …


Revenues from the sale of CO2 emissions support the high-emission sectors of the Polish economy

According to the article published by the Rzeczpospolita daily, the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, as …