EC: national energy and climate plans assesment in June

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The official assessment of national plans for energy and climate, which European Union countries sent to the European Commission at the end of 2018, will be published in June of the current year.

According to the report prepared by the European Climate Foundation, which is a simulation of evaluation of plans of individual European Union countries, which is carried out by the European Commission, in the case of Poland, the controversial point may include the issue of financing energy transformation, which, according to the authors of the report, was omitted, no social consultations were carried out.

Among the countries whose plans received the highest marks (in percentage), among others Spain (52.4%), France (46.9%) and Greece (44.2%). Poland (17.9%) took the 25th place, ahead of Bulgaria (14.6%), Germany (12.5%), Slovakia (12.5%) and Slovenia (3.2%), which scored the worst result. The average was 29%.

Among the many observed problems were too limited plans for phasing out support for coal and other fossil fuels, too few indications as to the investments required, excessive use of biomass and inadequate process or lack of public consultation.

May 17, during the debate organized by the Polish Green Network, representative of the European Commission in Poland Rafał Szyndlauer said, that Poland should take radical measures to achieve this goal of 15 percent. reach or approach him. The second thing that does not go well is the goals presented in the National Plan. They are not ambitious enough and according to our calculations Poland could easily reach 25% instead of 21%.

Importantly, after the publication of the evaluation of the plans, EU countries will be obliged to refer to the comments presented by the European Commission. In the second half of 2019, on the other hand, negotiations will begin on the new EU budget for 2020-2027, of which a quarter will be used to implement climate goals, supported by funds from the Modernization Fund.

Report by the European Climate Foundation

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