Announcement of the largest wind farm in Europe

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Norwegians report the construction of a wind park with a total capacity of 2. 5 times the current largest European onshore wind farm. The energy is to be sold only on market terms, without public subsidies and repurchase guarantees.

The Hordavind wind farm, planned in the western Nordhordland region, is to be realised without granting public guarantees for the purchase of energy.

The head of NVE, Per Ove Skorpen, states in an interview with ”Wind Power Monthly” that energy production will be profitable at a market price even below NOK 300/MWh, i. e. around EUR 30/MWh. The entrepreneur assumes the use of turbines with a unit capacity of up to 6 MW.

According to current plans, the construction of the Hordavind wind farm is to start in 2023, and once all the windmills have been put into operation, they are to produce about 5. 4 TWh of electricity per year.
