The Sejm amended the Act on Sea Areas regarding the facilitation of offshore investors

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The Sejm amended the act on the maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and the maritime administration, which provides for changes to the regulations on issuing permits for the construction or use of artificial islands, structures and devices in Polish sea areas.

This is related to the planned construction of offshore wind farms.

The most important changes introduced by the amendment:

– resolving the issue of a tie in the procedures for resolving applications for a permit for the construction or use of artificial islands, structures and devices in Polish sea areas and the possible inability to select the winner of this procedure;

– including in the announcement on the outcome of the adjudicating procedure, information on the possible occurrence of a tie and the manner of settling the tie;

– simplification of procedures and digitization of submitting applications and letters in proceedings regarding projects requiring a building permit.

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