URE: OTC electricity price in Q3 amounted to over PLN 615 / MWh

  • Reading time:2 mins read

As reported by the Energy Regulatory Office in a press release, the average price of electricity sold by generators under bilateral contracts (the so-called OTC contracts – over the counter – concluded on the over-the-counter market) in the third quarter of 2022 amounted to PLN 615.28 / MWh and was over two times higher than last year and PLN 125 higher than the price in the previous quarter (Q2 2022).

Contracts concluded long (one or two years) in advance have a significant impact on the level of this price. Consequently, it may not reflect current market conditions. It was calculated on the basis of data provided by producers, which include the sale of electricity from own production in the third quarter of the year.

At the same time, we are witnessing a decline in the amount of energy sold on the OTC market. The total volume of energy sold under bilateral contracts in the third quarter of this year. was 4.11 TWh. The decrease, counting from quarter to quarter, amounted to almost 1.35 TWh.


Source: ERO communication