Fighting wind farms: politically unprofitable and costly for Poles

  • Reading time:3 mins read

For almost three months now, the government’s draft amendment to the so-called distance act is in Sejm and not being further processed. Although public opinion polls show strong support for onshore wind energy, and market data show a strong impact on lowering energy prices, anti-wind farm environments in the ruling camp still have a decisive voice.

Nobody denies that wind power is a weather dependent energy source. Therefore, there are days in the year when it is of little importance in the National Power System, working in extreme cases with a load of several hundred or even several dozen megawatts.

However, on days when there is no shortage of wind, their impact on the energy market is crucial. An example was Monday, October 3, when the average wholesale electricity prices in Poland amounted to PLN 503 / MWh (market coupling auction) and were among the lowest in Europe.

According to Sebastian Kwapuliński, managing director of the Renewable Energy Association, the correlation between the increased average daily energy production from wind sources and the quotations of energy prices is a clear proof of the benefits of wind energy development.

Until recently, the access of enterprises to green energy was widely discussed due to the implementation of the responsible business strategy. Now, this cheap renewable energy is a condition for the survival of these entities. An alternative is the reduction of employment or the complete closure of businesses – Kwapuliński emphasized in an interview with

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