Poland has more than met the goal of the 2020 energy and climate package

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In 2020, the European Union reached 22.1 percent. the share of renewable sources in the gross final energy consumption, i.e. by more than 2 percentage points above that established in the energy and climate package. These are combined data from three sectors: electricity, heating and transport. Member States have been obliged to a different extent to meet the common target, Poland has committed to achieve 15 percent by 2020. RES share. and this obligation was more than fulfilled, mainly due to biomass.

Further development of renewable energy sources will require unblocking barriers and directing specific funds for this purpose.

In Poland, the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption was 16.1%. All thanks to the fact that the Central Statistical Office corrected the data for 2018-2020 regarding the acquisition and consumption of solid biofuels in households. As a result, the share of renewable energy sources increased by over 3 percentage points. The statistics were also helped by the coronavirus pandemic, because in 2020 energy consumption in Poland decreased by over 3.5%, with the growing use of energy from renewable sources.
