Assumptions for the update of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040

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The Government Information Center published a communiqué according to which the Council of Ministers adopted the assumptions for the update of Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040 (PEP2040) – strengthening energy security and independence, presented by the Minister of Climate and Environment.

The government is updating the assumptions of the “Polish Energy Policy until 2040” in order to neutralize or reduce the risks associated with potential crisis situations in the country and on the international arena. It is also in line with the implementation of the main objective of the energy policy, ie ensuring energy security, while ensuring the competitiveness of the economy and reducing the impact of the energy sector on the environment.

The current international situation affects many aspects related to energy policy and makes it necessary to change the approach to ensuring energy security towards greater diversification and independence. Revision of the “Polish Energy Policy until 2040” it will be aimed at choosing the right path in the new geopolitical and economic situation, bearing in mind also the protection of consumers against excessive increases in energy prices and aggravating energy poverty.

The updated energy policy of Poland must also take into account energy sovereignty, a special element of which is to ensure the quick independence of the domestic economy from imported fossil fuels (coal, crude oil and natural gas) and derivatives (LPG, diesel oil, gasoline, kerosene) from Russia and other countries covered by the economic sanctions. It is about diversifying supplies, investing in production capacity, line infrastructure and storage, and alternative fuels.

In the remaining pillars of Poland’s energy policy – just transition, building a zero-emission system and improving air quality – measures limiting the demand for fossil fuels from Russia and other countries subject to economic sanctions will be accelerated in order to increase Poland’s energy security, and at the same time focused on building innovation in the economy and its economy. reinforcement.

The most important changes in the “Polish Energy Policy until 2040”:

Increasing technological diversification and expansion of capacity based on domestic sources

  • Poland will consistently strive to cover the demand for electricity with technologically diversified domestic sources in order to maintain a high degree of energy independence
  • Investments in the energy sector will be focused on ensuring the stability of the operation of energy systems, taking into account the limitation of the sector’s impact on the human environment

Further development of renewable energy sources

  • The acceleration of the development of renewable energy sources in all sectors will respond to the challenges related to independence and sovereignty. At the same time, it will take into account the improvement in the quality of life resulting from a better quality of the natural environment.
  • At the same time, the current economic and political situation in Europe, which limits the possibility of importing energy resources from Russia, forces EU Member States to take steps to faster integrate renewable energy sources.
  • In the perspective of 2040, efforts will be made to ensure that about half of the electricity production comes from renewable sources.
  • In addition to the further development of wind and solar power, activities aimed at developing the use of renewable energy independent of weather conditions, i.e. using water, biomass, biogas or earth heat, will be intensified.
  • It will be particularly desirable to use RES in energy clusters and energy cooperatives and as part of hybrid installations.
  • Financial support will be increased in instruments supporting energy self-sufficiency of households
