The war in Ukraine has shown that accelerating the transformation process and enabling the implementation of new investments in renewable energy sources (RES) have become a necessity from the point of view of Poland’s sovereignty and its national interest. In the best national interest of Poland, it is necessary to immediately unblock the possibilities of developing the potential of onshore wind energy. Its development is today the Polish Ration of State – using wind as a source of cheap energy, Poland will be independent and safe. Because the wind blows regardless of the geopolitical situation and nobody or anything can stop it.
We invite you to a meeting on March 31, 2022. at 12.00 at Plac Małachowskiego 2, where 10 organizations – representatives of the wind energy industry, business, industry, entrepreneurs, employers and local government will present an APPEAL TO THE RULERS for an immediate release of the development of onshore wind energy by completing the process of changes to the distance act and liberalization of the 10H rule.
The conference will be broadcasted LIVE HERE.
The meeting will be attended by the signatories of the appeal:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Energetyki Wiatrowej
Stowarzyszenie Energii Odnawialnej
Konfederacja Lewiatan
Federacja Przedsiębiorców Polskich
Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców
UN Global Compact Network Poland
Hutnicza Izba Przemysłowo Handlowa
Związek Gmin Wiejskich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Stowarzyszenie Gmin Przyjaznych Energii Odnawialnej
Fundacja RE-Source Poland Hub