New regulations for energy-intensive entrepreneurs

  • Reading time:2 mins read

According to the Energy Regulatory Office, on March 5, an amendment to the act on the compensation system for energy-intensive sectors and subsectors will enter into force. The aim is to adjust the Act on Compensation to the requirements of the New Guidelines of the European Commission. Thanks to the introduced changes, it will be possible to submit applications for compensation for 2021 – exceptionally in 2022 – until April 30, and not until March 31.

The changes introduced by the amendment will apply to compensations granted for 2021 (and for subsequent years), where – in accordance with Art. 4 of this Act – until the day of issuing a positive decision of the European Commission on the compatibility of state aid with the internal market or acknowledging by the European Commission that the changes provided for in the Act do not constitute new state aid – the decision on granting compensation (or refusing to grant it) will not be issued.

Importantly, one of the conditions that will have to be met by the entities applying for compensation is to confirm with a guarantee of origin that they have used energy from renewable energy sources for their activity.

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