Implementation of large renewable energy installations solely on the basis of the development plan

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According to, the Ministry of Development and Technology has presented a draft act that introduces the obligation to locate large RES installations only on the basis of the local spatial development plan.

This year, the Ministry of Development and Technology sent to the so-called pre-consultation a draft amendment to the act on spatial planning and development. Pre-consultation is a rarely used procedure – the bill is not officially directed to government work, the ministry headed by Minister Piotr Nowak wants to first read the opinions of interested entities.

He proposed, inter alia, that the location of high-capacity renewable energy installations could only take place on the basis of the local plan (MPZP). In the general plan, in open zones such as forest areas, agricultural areas, water areas and natural green areas, it will be allowed to locate solar and wind power plants by default. It was also indicated that the location of renewable energy sources with a capacity of more than 500 kW should follow local plans. The exception will be photovoltaic farms with a capacity of up to 1 MW on wastelands and agricultural land of class V, VI and VIz. However, the land of class IV was not mentioned, occupying about 40 percent. domestic agricultural land.