District heating: the latest report by the Energy Regulatory Office

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The latest report, Energy of thermal energy in figures, presents a picture of the market based on data collected by the Energy Regulatory Office from over 400 licensed heating companies. The results of the research make it possible to assess the condition of the sector, indicate the most important directions of changes taking place in the Polish district heating industry and the necessary steps to take.

Transformation of the energy sector is one of the main and currently most widely discussed issues concerning national and European climate and energy policy. A similar process and challenges are also faced by the Polish heating sector. And although heating, having a local character, affects the economy to a much lesser extent than other energy sectors, in order to meet the upcoming challenges and at the same time not lose the chance to obtain financial support from the European Union in this process, it must change.

Source: ure.gov.pl