Prosumers will benefit from contracts with dynamic energy prices

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The draft amendments to the Energy Law Act and the amendment to the Act on renewable energy sources provide for the introduction of dynamic energy price agreements that will be available to prosumers. As the Ministry of Climate and Environment explains, the contract with a dynamic price is to reflect the current fluctuations in energy prices on the wholesale market and give consumers the opportunity to have a real impact on the amount of their electricity bill.

The Ministry of Climate ensures that when new regulations allowing settlements with a dynamic price come into force, many customers will be technically ready to conclude such a contract thanks to a meter with a remote reading function installed in their households. Meanwhile, a quick and easy selection of the most appropriate energy sales offer is to provide consumers with an annual consumption of less than 100,000 kWh a free energy price comparison website, which will be made available by the Energy Regulatory Office.

According to the ministry’s assurances, the introduction of new mechanisms to adjust the energy price to the current situation on the energy market will also benefit prosumers, as they will gain more freedom to conclude contracts and choose a competitive energy sales offer, while increasing the use of current-time energy for their own needs and its actual storage.

In order to ensure the transparency of contracts with dynamic prices, their application is to be monitored and presented in his annual report by the President of the ERO.

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