Adoption of the draft act containing solutions for the construction of offshore wind farms in the second quarter of this year

  • Reading time:1 mins read

According to the list of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers, the government intends to adopt a draft act prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure, prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure, in the second quarter of this year, containing solutions for the supervision of the process of designing, building and operating offshore wind farms. The project is to include a certification system to confirm that the offshore wind farm complies with the requirements specified in the Act at individual stages of the investment implementation (design, approval, operation).

According to the draft, the tasks in the field of certification and supervision of offshore wind farms will be performed by organizations recognized by the European Commission in accordance with EU regulations on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organizations, which, on the basis of the draft regulations, will be able to obtain authorization to implementation of tasks in the scope described above. The investor will be responsible for the supervision of a recognized organization over the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm.

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