Assessment of the Supreme Audit Office: the Minister of Energy did not prevent an abrupt increase in electricity prices

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As assessed by the Supreme Audit Office, the Minister of Energy, disregarding early declarations, did not prevent a surge in electricity prices, despite the consistent policy of the European Union to reduce CO2 emissions and awareness of its consequences for the Polish energy sector.

The communication stated that, despite the functioning of the units responsible for the preparation of system solutions and conducting system analyzes of the electricity market in the offices of the minister responsible for energy, there was no information about activities that would result in collecting the results of analyzes, including those related to the phenomena shaping the price of electricity. in Poland. Thus, SAO assessed the periodic energy market analyzes as unreliable in 2016–2020. According to the Supreme Audit Office, the failure to systematically monitor events in the energy market could have contributed to the late adoption of the legislative initiative regarding the act on electricity prices.

PEP2040 was adopted after the audit was completed, therefore SAO did not refer to the solutions adopted in this document for stabilizing energy prices. According to the Supreme Audit Office, the consistent creation of conditions to limit energy generation from high-carbon sources will allow for price stabilization while ensuring the security of electricity supply.

SAO requests the Minister of Climate and the Environment to exercise due diligence in drafting normative acts, to reliably develop statutory solutions, taking into account widely understood agreements and consultations, and to effectively monitor market processes in the area of ​​electricity prices.

Additionally, the Supreme Audit Office requested the President of the ERO to introduce organizational changes and procedures enabling the efficient completion and ongoing analysis of analyzes related to the detection of abuses and manipulations on the wholesale energy market.

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