Hydrogen programs of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Work in the ministry on the Polish Hydrogen Strategy is nearing the end, while the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is working on the assumptions for the new priority program entitled “Hydrogenization of the Economy”. They are to be ready in the second half of this year. So far, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has introduced a pilot hydrogen program called “New Energy”, thanks to which it is possible to obtain support in innovative projects related to production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen. The program provides for PLN 300 million, and its entire budget is PLN 2.5 billion.

The call for applications for the program will last until May 31. The interest in it is quite high, but only at the beginning of June, i.e. after the recruitment is closed, will there be a summary, which will provide the NFEPWM with information on the market response and indicate possible directions for modifying the assumptions of the program.

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