A team for the support of vulnerable customers and reduction of energy poverty in Poland was established

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The main goals of the team for supporting a vulnerable recipient and reducing energy poverty in Poland, established by a regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment, will be to develop mechanisms to support a vulnerable recipient and to define and define the limits of energy poverty, as well as to identify instruments that contribute to reducing this phenomenon.

The work of the Team will have a significant impact on the implementation of the goal contained in the Polish Energy Policy until 2040, regarding the reduction of energy poverty to the level of 6% by 2030. In addition, they will be used to implement the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/944 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market in electricity. This directive obliges the Member States to introduce solutions supporting vulnerable electricity consumers and to define the phenomenon of energy poverty.

The work of the team will be led by Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Piotr Dziadzio. The Team will include representatives of other ministries and representatives of local government administration.

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