Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The Polish Energy Policy until 2040 has been published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland, according to which in 2030 the share of renewable energy sources in gross final energy consumption will be at least 23 percent – not less than 32 percent in electricity (mainly thanks to wind and photovoltaic energy) , 28 percent in heating and 14 percent in transport with a large share of the electromobility sector.

The installed capacity in the offshore wind energy sector is expected to amount to approx. 5.9 GW in 2030 and approx. 11 GW in 2040.

Installed capacity of photovoltaic installations in 2030 may amount to approx. 5–7 GW in total in micro-installations and large installations, and in 2040 – 10–16 GW.

As regards the onshore wind energy sector, it is expected that in the medium term the increase in the share of this technology in the energy balance will be less dynamic compared to previous years, it was also signaled that the 10h distance criterion may be modified. According to the forecast, the installed capacity under this technology is to reach approx. 9.5 GW in 2020 and will remain at this level until 2040.

Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040