A draft of changes regarding the use of the Modernization Fund was adopted

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On Wednesday, a draft amendment to the Act on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system was adopted, thanks to which domestic entities will be able to use the Modernization Fund, i.e. a pool of money from the sale of CO2 emission allowances intended for the modernization of the energy sector. This draft adjusts Polish law to the EU regulations regarding the principles of the emissions trading system in the years 2021–2030.

The funds from the fund are allocated to the modernization of the energy system and the improvement of energy efficiency in the EU countries. Poland may use over 43% of the available pool of funds from the sale of approximately 135 million emission allowances. Their value ranges from EUR 2 to EUR 4.8 billion.

As emphasized by the Government Information Center, the Modernization Fund will be used by entrepreneurs and public finance sector entities that implement investments eligible for co-financing. The operator of the Fund in Poland will be the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Additionally, public consultations conducted by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy on the National Reconstruction Plan in the area of green energy, efficiency and sustainable transport began on Tuesday. The heads of the ministry presented the basic assumptions of the KPO, objectives and directions of support.

Deputy Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak noted that funds for Poland in the 2021-2027 financial perspective will be distributed in various ways. This is the cohesion policy, the common agricultural policy and within the framework of NextGenerationEU – RRF. She recalled that the NGEU also includes an additional pool from the REACT-EU instrument, which will increase the 2014-2020 programs and the Just Transition Fund.

Jarosińska-Jedynak indicated that 37% of KPO funds must be allocated to climate-related activities, and 20% – to digital transformation.

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