The Energy Regulatory Office has identified the challenges facing the power system in Poland

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The Energy Regulatory Office sent on Thursday information in which it summarized the last year and defined the challenges facing the power system in Poland. As indicated by Rafał Gawin, President of the Energy Regulatory Office, the energy sector is facing a huge investment challenge today related to, inter alia, with the need to integrate the growing number of distributed RES sources, the need to increase the flexibility of the power system and process automation.

The ERO referred to the new EU law creating a new regulatory environment for distribution system operators (DSOs) that puts consumers and prosumers (i.e. DSO customers) at the center. The Office also emphasized that the development of distributed energy (including prosumer energy) changes the nature of the distribution sector. Thanks to this, the functioning of the market will largely depend on the DSO, as well as on new items, e.g. civic energy communities or aggregators offering DSR (demand side response) services consisting in reducing electricity consumption by consumers.

ERO also points out that market integration should take into account renewable energy producers, providers of new energy services, energy storage and its flexible offtake. As he believes, an increasingly important role will be played by flexibility services, which – designed in a proper way – will allow consumers and new market participants (including flexuments, aggregators) to participate in the energy transformation.

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