Final of the Just Transition Fund negotiations

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Prof. Jerzy Buzek, rapporteur for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament on the Just Transition Fund, announced the final of negotiations on this fund. Initially, the European Commission proposed as much as EUR 40 billion, but the negotiations lowered this ceiling to EUR 7.5 billion, which will be allocated to the transformation of border regions. Regions in Poland such as Śląsk or the vicinity of Bełchatów and Konin will receive approx. PLN 16 billion. These funds will be allocated under the budget for 2021-2027, which was the subject of long negotiations by the Member States.

PLN 16 billion, mentioned by prof. Buzek is about 1/5 of the entire budget, therefore Poland is to remain the largest beneficiary of the Fund. The issue was raised at the Topic European Council summit on 10-11 December. In addition, ITRE MPs managed to increase the budget of the Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund for gas investments, which are needed in Poland for the energy transformation.

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