November: a large drop in electricity imports with an increase in production and a decrease in consumption

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Data from ENTSO-E show that in November electricity consumption in Poland amounted to 14.548 TWh, which compared to October means a decrease by 1.1%, but comparing this result to the same month a year earlier – an increase by 1.9%. Although the demand for energy increased, there was a decrease in imports, which amounted to approx. 918 GWh (for the first time since February this year, it did not exceed 1 TWh). Compared to October, the decrease in imports amounted to 24.8%, and comparing this result to the same month a year earlier – 14.4%.

At the same time, we recorded an increase in net electricity production in the country. In November, power plants in Poland produced 12.664 TWh of electricity, which is 12% more than in October and 4% more than in November 2019. The greatest increase in production can be seen in gas power plants, which generated a record volume of electricity – 1.285 TWh, which is it is 27.8% more than a year earlier and 18.8% compared to October this year.

Analyzing the data cumulatively from the beginning of the year to the end of November, we observe a decrease in electricity consumption in Poland, which was at the level of 150.1 TWh in this period, compared to 154.3 a year earlier (2.8% less). During this time, we received 12.1 TWh of electricity from abroad, i.e. by 28.5%. more than a year earlier.

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