5th anniversary of granting the Polish Power Exchange the NEMO status

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On December 2, 2015, Polish Power Exchange was awarded the NEMO status for the Polish price area by the President of ERO. PPE still meets all the requirements for the NEMO operator that result from the COMMISSION Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 laying down guidelines for capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM), therefore the nomination for it was extended and its second the term of office will last until 2023.

PPE as a NEMO is to ensure the smooth construction and operation of the common European electricity market. To achieve this goal, the Polish Stock Exchange together with other market participants implements a number of activities, including development and maintenance of algorithms, systems and procedures related to the cross-border market coupling mechanism, electricity price setting or processing of the received input data on available cross-border transmission capacities and their effective allocation in places where constraints are encountered.

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