Amendments to the offshore act were introduced

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A draft act on promoting electricity generation in offshore wind farms was sent to the Legal Affairs Committee, which introduced new solutions. Two definitions have been added: a set of devices used to evacuate power from an offshore wind farm to the separation of ownership and their owner. There may still be changes to the project, but at the moment the project has kept the planned support divided into two phases. Each time it will be support for 25 years from the first generation of energy. The operating costs of the support system will be transferred to end users through the RES fee.

In the first phase, contracts for difference will be allocated by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and will require notification to the European Commission. Projects with a capacity of 5.9 GW can participate in it. In the following years, support is to be granted in the formula of competitive auctions – “pay as bid”. The Act specifies three dates: 2025 (2.5 GW), 2027 (2.5 GW) and 2028, if at least 0.5 GW of capacity is not used in the previous auction.