Increase in the average energy price in the second quarter of 2020

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The Energy Regulatory Office informed about the average price of electricity from the implementation of sales contracts concluded in the last quarter by energy companies involved in the production of electricity. The price for the second quarter turned out to be higher than the average price recorded by the ERO in the first quarter of 2020.

The average price of electricity sold on terms other than those specified in Article 49a para. 1 of the Energy Law for the second quarter of 2020 amounted to PLN 239.77 / MWh compared to the average price of PLN 235.44 / MWh in the first quarter of this year. and the average price of PLN 214.07 / MWh recorded in the corresponding period of 2019.

The volume of electricity sold, which was taken into account by the ERO to calculate the price for the second quarter of 2020, clearly decreased. It amounted to 7.27 TWh compared to 10.12 TWh in the first quarter of this year. and 10.79 TWh in the second quarter of 2019

In calculating the above price, the ERO takes into account data from the performance of electricity sales contracts concluded by energy companies that generate electricity. The price does not include taxes (VAT, excise duty), fees not related to the amount of electricity sold and obligations related to certificates of origin.

The Energy Regulatory Office emphasizes that a significant impact on the level of the price determined in accordance with Art. 49a of the Energy Law, contracts are concluded well – one year, two years – in advance. As a consequence, the price presented, as emphasized by the Energy Regulatory Office, may not reflect the current market conditions.

ERO statement

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