The capacity installed by prosumers in Poland has already exceeded 4 GW

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As announced by the Energy Market Agency, in July the number of prosumers increased by 29,000, and at the end of the month there were already 631,433 prosumer micro-installations in Poland, 99.9% of which were photovoltaic micro-installations. The total power of prosumer micro-installations exceeded 4 GW.

Only a little more than 200 micro-installations were made in technologies other than photovoltaic. They consisted of: hydroelectric power plants, hybrid micro-installations, biogas micro-installations and biomass micro-installations.

In the previous months, the number of prosumers who came was slightly higher. In June, about 35,000 were added, while in May 32,000, but the total capacity was lower – 212 MW compared to the 218 MW recorded by ARE in July.

Prosumers operating in Poland introduced 378.37 GWh of electricity to the grid in July, 433.31 GWh of electricity in June, and 311.73 GWh in May. Since the beginning of the year, prosumer micro-installations have already supplied 1.6 TWh of electricity to the grid, of which photovoltaic micro-installations are responsible for as much as 1.598 TWh.

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