Renewable energy production increase in Poland in May this year.

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According to the report published by the Polish Power Grid in May this year. The production of renewable energy in Poland clearly increased in the group of renewable energy sources not included in wind energy and professional hydropower. The operator of the national power system also notes a drop of a dozen or so percent by generation from coal-fired power plants.

According to the monthly report of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne for May, during this period wind energy production in Poland increased compared to the same period a year ago by 9.59 percent. – from 874 GWh to 958 GWh. A month earlier, in April, wind farms generated 1,156 GWh – by 2.7 percent. more than in April 2019. From the beginning of 2020 to the end of May, wind farms generated a total of 7,274 GWh of electricity against 6,651 GWh in the same period last year, which means an increase of 9.36 percent. Such a level of wind energy production gives a share in the national production mix of 11.5%.

A clear drop in production is recorded by professional hydro power plants, which in May generated 187 GWh of energy against 291 GWh a year ago, i.e. by over 35%. less. In April, professional hydro power plants generated 170 GWh, which meant a decrease of 28.5 percent. Every year. In the first five months, these sources generated 1,128 GWh against 1,303 GWh a year ago, i.e. by 13.44 percent. less. A significant increase in energy production last month was recorded by sources classified by PSE as a group of “other renewable”, i.e. without wind farms and professional hydropower plants. In May a year ago, RES included in this group generated 43 GWh, while last month the generation amounted to 257 GWh, which means a year-on-year increase by as much as 491.6 percent. In April, ‘other renewable ones’ generated 184 GWh of electricity, i.e. 357.9 percent more than in April 2019.

Taking into account the generation for the first five months of 2020, in this RES group it amounted to 7 274 GWh and it is a result of 9.36 percent. better than the generation from the same period last year. However, the share of these renewable energy sources in the national production mix in this period was just under 0.01 percent.

The country’s total electricity production totaled 11,95 GWh in May against 12,753 GWh last year, a decrease of 12.22%. In turn, domestic electricity consumption was 12,460 GWh compared to 13,669 GWh a year ago, which was 8.85% lower.

PSE report

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