Offshore Act in January next year

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Although the government initially announced that the offshore act would be passed this year, it has not yet been submitted to the Sejm. During his speech, Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska emphasized that the Ministry of Climate and Environment is trying to do everything to ensure that the works related to the adoption and entry of this act move forward. According to him, the regulation should enter into force no later than January 2021. As emphasized by the deputy minister, this deadline cannot be exceeded because on 1 July the RED II directive enters into force, requiring the allocation of support on the basis of auctions. In addition, until March 31, investors will be able to submit applications for support in the form of contracts for difference for offshore wind farms. They will require a notification from the European Commission, and by June 30 they must be considered by the Energy Regulatory Office.

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