Regulation on the internal electricity market

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On January 1, 2020, into force entered the Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market in electricity. This is one of the key elements of the new electricity market structure agreed as part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package.

According to a communication published by the European Commission, the regulation lays down the basic principles for the functioning of the European electricity market, allowing for the intensification of the integration of national markets and increasing the capacity for cross-border trade. The regulation contains principles of coordination and closer cooperation between transmission system operators, improving the security of electricity supply.

One of the important aspects of the EU regulation is to regulate the so-called redispatching, understood as a measure, including production limitation, activated by one or more transmission system operators or distribution system operators, and consisting in changing the production scheme, load, or both to modify physical flows in the transmission system and reduce physical transmission restrictions or otherwise ensure system security.

In accordance with art. 13 section 7 of the Regulation, in the case of redeployment, which is not based on market principles, such redeployment is subject to financial compensation paid by the system operator that issued the redisposition order, to the operator of the re-dispatching generating, energy storage or receiving unit, with the exception of producers who they accepted a connection agreement that did not guarantee reliable energy supply.

European Commission communication