PSE: a new monitoring strategy for the balancing market

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On July 1, 2019, the Balancing Market Monitoring Office in Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. adopted a new strategy for monitoring RB to identify suspicions of REMIT SCREAMS. The strategy update introduces ongoing monitoring of two new areas:

  • Monitoring of non-standard transactions using RB mechanisms to achieve goals that conflict with the primary function of RB as a technical market, in particular transactions that meet the requirements of the so-called wash trade, meaning the conclusion of a sale or purchase of energy in the event that there is no change in the benefits or market risk, or when the benefits or market risk are transferred between the parties acting in concert or in collusion;
  • Transmission capacity hoarding – failure to use allocated transmission capacities on interconnections where PSE conducts tenders for transmission capacity, i.e. on the PSE S.A. connection. and NEK UKRENERGO.

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