Comments on draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate regarding prosumer renewable energy

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May 15 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center a draft Regulation of the Minister of Climate has been published regarding the registration, balancing and sharing of measurement data and the settlement of prosumer renewable energy. On the same day the project was sent for public consultation, which will last until May 29.

Numerous comments were submitted as part of the consultation on the draft regulation, including extending the dates of entry into force of the provisions to 6 or even 9 months. These energy companies justify the need to adapt the systems of data collection and transmission .

According to the project proposal, balancing of produced and consumed energy is to be hourly, which is in accordance with the RES Act. However, all network operators indicated that they should be 15-minute settlements. According to the arguments presented by DSO, the above is justified by the ongoing work on changes in the energy law, aimed at moving from hourly data to 15-minute data.


Draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate on registering, balancing and sharing measurement data and accounting for prosumer renewable energy