Parliamentary draft resolution on the recognition of the current model of the European climate and energy policy

  • Reading time:1 mins read

On the website of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on 3 July there appeared an announcement about the Parliamentary draft resolution on the recognition of the current model of the European climate and energy policy in the scope of supporting renewable energy sources as incompatible with the principles of subsidiarity, energy sovereignty of the Member States, transparency and social justice. The project was submitted for first reading to the Committee on European Union Affairs on 10 July this year.

In the document, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland asks the Government of the Republic of Poland to take action at the EU forum to ensure that the emerging model of the European climate and energy policy in the field of systemic support for renewable energy sources is consistent with the principle of subsidiarity and does not violate the rights of Member States guaranteed by the treaty to freely choose between different energy sources. In addition, it is essential that all activities of EU.
