A draft regulation has been issued on technical requirements, connection conditions and cooperation of micro-installations with the power system

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On the website of the Government Legislation Center on January 7 this year a draft regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on technical requirements, connection conditions and cooperation of micro-installations with the power system was published. The document defines the technical requirements and the procedure for connecting micro-installations to the power grid. The project was consulted, among others with distribution system operators and industry organizations.

The introduction of new regulations results from the need to increase the share of electricity generated in renewable energy micro-installations in the country’s energy balance and, at the same time, to ensure the security of the power system.

The main purpose of the regulation is to reduce the formalities related to the connection of micro-installations. Thus, the investment process in RES will be simpler from the point of view of a small prosumer, but also a large investor. One of the changes is a standardized micro-installation application form and a micro-installation application form for connection conditions for this micro-installation.

The authors of the draft did not decide to introduce a standardized method of determining the total installed electrical capacity of a micro-installation for the purposes of submitting a notification or procedure for connecting micro-installations. The definition of the total installed capacity will be introduced as part of the amendment to the RES Act.

The conditions for starting micro-installations and the requirement to meet the quality standards of electricity introduced to the power grid are also presented. The necessity of installation in accordance with applicable standards and requirements was also noted. People with appropriate qualifications should be involved in the assembly.

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