PGE implements plans for RES development

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In 2021, the Polish Energy Group (PGE) plans to significantly increase the amount of energy coming from the sun, with the aim of achieving over 2,5 GW of PV capacity by 2030.

We consistently strengthen our leading position in the energy transformation by investing in non-emissions generation sources, which include primarily offshore wind farms and the photovoltaic panel development programme. In the offshore programme, we are currently at the stage of selecting a partner from among entities that have made binding offers to purchase shares, while in the case of the PV programme, we have already established cooperation with leading landowners in Poland, including Polish State Railways and KGHM Polska Miedź. Already now, among our own areas and partners, we have identified resources allowing us to build photovoltaic capacity at the level of 750 MW – said Henryk Baranowski, President of PGE.

Representatives of the Polish Energy Group informed that works on the construction of three onshore wind farms – Starza, Rybice and Karnice – have been commenced. The total installed capacity amounts to 97,17 MW, which will translate into an annual volume of approximately 277 GWh. The power plant will operate for 25 years, and thanks to winning the RES auction, another 15 years will be needed.

The works are carried out according to the schedule and the activity permit for the investment is to be obtained in the first quarter of next year. The project will increase the installed capacity of wind power plants of the PGE Group by 18%, which translates into approximately 650 MW of power.

According to the information provided by PGE, on September 30, 2019, power unit no. 6 belonging to Elektrownia Opole will be delivered for use. The contract related to the 490 MW unit in Elektrownia Turów is over 90%. According to the schedule, the investment is to be completed on 30 October next year.

At the turn of 2019 and 2020, PGE intends to award a tender for the construction of two gas-steam units with a capacity of approximately 1400 MW in Dolna Odra Power Plant. The value of the investment is estimated at approximately PLN 4 billion. The project is prepared for the start of the auction in 2019, which means that it will be possible to use it only at the beginning of January 2024.
