Nałożono obowiązek tworzenia cyfrowych danych planistycznych

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Last weekend, amendments to the act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development came into force, which were introduced by passing the act amending the Geodetic and Cartographic Law and some other acts of April 16, 2020. According to the new regulations, issuing authorities spatial planning acts are required to create digital planning data, which also applies to acts already in force. Digital planning data is to cover at least the spatial extent of the validity of a given act in vector form, drawing of the act in the form of a raster with spatial reference (georeference) and a reference to the content of the related document.

Along with the changes in the act on spatial planning, the regulation of the Minister of Development, Labor and Technology came into force. Its purpose is to clarify and standardize the way of creating and maintaining collections and metadata concerning acts of spatial planning.

Another provision of the Spatial Planning and Development Act, which defines the rules for locating renewable energy sources, will also be changed soon.

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