IEA: record CO2 emissions in 2018

  • Reading time:1 mins read

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 2018 saw a recordin crease in carbon dioxide emissions due to the growing demand for fossilfuel-intensive energy.

Last year’s energy demand was the highest in history due to changes in the global economy. Nearly half of this in crease was realised with the use of natural gas. Nearly 70% of demand wasmet with the use of fossil fuels.

The IEA has found that the share of renewable energy sources is increasing, but is unable to cover the growing demand. Growth came mainly from photovoltaics, which is becoming cheaper and cheaper. Half of the increase in energy generation camefrom RES. It is the refore necessary to decide how to integrate RES into thegrid in order to avoid faults and have aneconomic effect. Despite olitical declarations that the share of coal in the global energy mix in 2018 was 40% and that of RES 10%. – said Fatih Birol, Director of the IEA
