Communication on the recommended value of avoided emissions in connection with the change in the mode of issuing guarantees of origin

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Considering the change in the mode of issuing guarantees of origin introduced in accordance with the Act of 19 July 2019 amending the Act on renewable energy sources and certain other acts (hereinafter: the Amendment), below we present the recommended conversion factor for the estimated avoidance of carbon dioxide (CO2) ) in connection with the production of energy from renewable energy installations, which is a clarification of the recommendations set out in Energy Regulatory Office communication:

778 kg CO2 / MWh

In the case of avoided carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the most current reference point is the official data published by the National Center for Emissions Balancing and Management in the report Wskaźniki emisyjności CO2, SO2, NOx, CO i pyłu całkowitego dla energii elektrycznej.

Pursuant to the Amendment, the guarantee of origin is the only document certifying to the final recipient the environmental values resulting from avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and the application for its issue must contain the estimated value of the avoided greenhouse gas emissions in connection with the production and introduction to the electricity network covered by the application.