The European Commission has announced it is pushing for a higher target to reduce CO2 emissions by 2030

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On September 16, the European Commission presented a plan to increase the target of reducing CO2 emissions in the European Union by 2030, which is to be 15% higher than previously adopted. Adopting it will most likely increase the targets for the production of energy from renewable sources.

The European Commission communication shows that financing of the energy transformation will be built, inter alia, by thanks to the issue of green bonds, which will secure approx. 30% of the EUR 750 billion budget of the “NextGeneration EU” program. Additionally, the intention was confirmed to create a mechanism that will burden the import of selected goods to the European Union depending on their carbon footprint, which is to ensure that other countries follow the path set by the EU in terms of climate policy.

The Ministry of Climate was concerned about the European Commission’s proposal, as the communication did not contain information on the presentation of measures that would be used to achieve the emission reduction target by 2030.

Position of the Ministry of Climate on the European Commission’s proposal to increase the emission reduction target

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