Information from TSOs on the decision approving the general application requirements

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On 18 December 2018, Article 1(6) of the Act amending the Energy Law Act (hereinafter: the Act) entered into force. One of the changes introduced by the Act was the addition of Article 9ga to the Energy Law Act, which fulfils the Member State’s right to transfer the responsibility for the development of general application requirements referred to in Commission Regulations (EU) No. 2016/631, 2016/1388 and 2016/1447 from the relevant operators to the TSO.

Considering the above, the President of URE, in a letter dated 9 January 2019 (hereinafter: Tender Offer), called for changes in the TSO Proposal submitted on 24 September 2018.

On 4 February 2019, in response to the Tender Offer, PSE S. A. submitted to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office amended general application requirements (hereinafter: amended Requirements) covering all the requirements specified in Regulation 2016/1447, which the TSO was obliged to develop pursuant to Art. 9ga par. 1 of the Energy Law.

The revised requirements with respect to the requirements submitted on 24 September 2018 shall be elaborated by the DSOs as the relevant system operators. The content of these requirements is the same as the Proposal for General Application Requirements from DSOs.

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office approved the amended requirements for the connection of HVDC systems and modules of the power park with direct current connection submitted by PSE S. A.

The application of the requirements set out in the Regulation 2016/1447 and the requirements of general application approved on the basis of the Regulation shall start on 28 September 2019.

