Europe needs to double investment in energy networks

  • Reading time:1 mins read

In the latest report, Hitachi Energy and WindEurope focus on the development of energy networks that will be the backbone of an energy system based on renewable energy sources. However, in order to keep up with the development of RES, investments in the networks must be significantly increased.

The European Union’s climate goals assume that the Old Continent will become climate neutral by 2050. Some countries declared that they would do so even five years earlier.
The decarbonisation of the economy will not be complete without the electrification of industry, heating and transport. According to the assumptions of the European Commission, in 2050 half of the electricity is to come from wind investments, which, however, requires the expansion and adaptation of energy networks. According to a report by Hitachi Energy and WindEurope, in this cut-off year, the electricity sector will cover 75 percent. energy demand in Europe.
