The rest of the online training devoted to the preparation of applications for the LIFE program

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As the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management informs, further online training sessions for applicants on 26 and 27 May on the preparation of full LIFE project applications in the Environmental Action Sub-Program begin.

The training is dedicated to people who already have basic knowledge about the LIFE Program, in particular they have read the materials from previous webinars conducted on April 28 and 29 this year. Training is a great opportunity to meet experts who share their knowledge and experience on how to prepare a good application.

The representatives of the European Commission were invited to co-lead: Maja Mikosińska – responsible in the EC (EASME) agency for nature projects (NAT) and ENV: Małgorzata Piecha – coordinator of environmental projects (ENV) in the EC / EASME, as well as LIFE project monitors: Marta Kaczyńska ( NAT) and Zbigniew Karaczuna (ENV). The methodology for preparing the LIFE project will be presented, as well as the scope of information presented in the application. New solutions introduced by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the national co-financing system for LIFE projects will also be discussed.

  • May 26 LIFE Nature and Biodiversity training,
  • May 27 this year LIFE Environment training and resource efficiency.

Both trainings will also cover issues related to the area of ​​LIFE Management and environmental information.

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