Czopek (MAP): Offshore Act before Christmas

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– We are trying to make the Act on offshore wind energy reach public consultations before Christmas – announced Piotr Czopek, Director of the Department of Renewable and Distributed Energy at the Ministry of State Assets.

He added that he expected that the Act on renewable energy sources will be amended next year.

During the Areopag Renewable Energy conference 2019, Director Czopek summarized the government’s activities in the renewable energy sector.

– We managed to amend the RES Act, where volumes for auctions were introduced, two main auctions have already taken place in wind and solar baskets. We are still waiting for the results of the ERO auction. We hope that there will be many offers and prices will be at a satisfactory level. We hope that prosumer energy will develop more dynamically thanks to the program My Current

– I hope that we will forward the draft offshore bill for consultation later this month. I hope it will be before Christmas.

He also announced that next year there will be further amendments to the Act on renewable energy sources regarding prosumers, energy clusters and energy cooperatives.

– We will meet the renewable energy directive from 2018. We have time to implement it by 2021.

BiznesAlert report from the Areopag Energetyki Odnawialnej 2019 conference