BGK decides to make new investments in RES

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Dnia 23 maja br. w głównej siedzibie Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) odbyła się konferencja prasowa Gwarancje Biznesmax na inwestycje fotowoltaiczne.

On the 23rd of May in the headquarters of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) a press conference „Business guarantees for photovoltaic investments” took place.

The leading theme of the conference was the extension of the "Biznesmax”; guarantee activity by another renewable source – photovoltaics. The programme is financed from EU funds and offers free collateral for loans granted by BGK to companies that decide to purchase PV installations. The maximum guarantee amount is €2. 5 million, which is granted for a maximum of 20 years and guarantees up to 80% of the loan value.

BGK representatives estimated that by 2030 7-10% of small and medium enterprises will invest in photovoltaic panels.

"We support a trend that will become more and more current. Photovoltaics is attractive not only economically and environmentally, but also in terms of image. More and more SMEs are interested in investing in photovoltaic panels” – Wojciech Hann, Member of the Management Board of BGK, pointed out at the conference.
