ACER assess: the integration of wholesale electricity markets in the EU is progressing, but cross-border capacities are limited

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In its report on the situation on the energy markets in the European Union, ACER points out, inter alia, There are positive developments in wholesale electricity markets in Europe, but there is still a need for action, in particular to finalize day-ahead market coupling.

The Agency noted that electricity price convergence in the EU has increased in 2019, indicating further markets. At the same time, it indicates a good situation in this area in the region of Central and Western Europe. ACER emphasizes that thanks to the integration of day-ahead markets, cross-border capacity was efficiently used for all hours on more than two thirds of the EU borders, and on the other hand it points out that the extension of the flow-based market coupling project to Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia and Slovenia in the so-called The Core region faces further delays.

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