Draft amendment to the Act on Support for Thermomodernisation and Reconstruction

  • Reading time:1 mins read

As Gazeta Prawna informs, the draft amendment to the Act on Support for Thermomodernization and Renovation (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 966 with amendments) provides an additional bonus for cooperatives, communities, TBS or municipalities that intend to insulate the building and take out a loan supported by the Thermomodernization and Renovation Fund for this purpose.

In the case of thermal upgrading of buildings, municipalities, cooperatives, communities and social housing associations will be able to receive a loan repayment bonus of 16% of the investment costs. If they install photovoltaic panels, wind turbines or hybrid solutions with a maximum output of at least 6 kW together with insulation, the bonus will amount to 21% of the costs of thermal upgrading and purchasing and installing RES.

Similar support will be available to natural persons who will install a microinstallation of RES with a maximum output of at least 1 kW in conjunction with the insulation of a single-family house.
